イマージョンラーニングによる英語学習を始めてみる【YouTube+chat GPT】

UnsplashJosh Applegateが撮影した写真
Urologist Explains Everything You Need to Know about After-Dribble | Post-Void Dribbling





同じ人が似た様な内容を話している動画群があると良いとの事で、このRena Malik医師の動画もたくさんあるのでしっかり見ていきたいと思う。

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どうしてもテストみたいなのが好きなので、chat GPTを用いて問題を作ってもらう事にした。

最初は書き下しをお願いして、見直したかったのだが、著作権の問題からどうもchat GPTはやってくれないらしい。動画のテーマについて教えてあげた上で、英語の問題を5問作る事を提案したらすんなり作ってくれた。これは高校生のリスニングテストにも応用できてしまうのでは。さらに将来的には「国語の評論読解のセンター試験の問題を作って」とかもすんなりやってしまいそうで恐ろしい。



  1. What are the common causes of post micturition dribble?
  2. How does post micturition dribble affect a person’s daily life?
  3. What symptoms might indicate the presence of post micturition dribble?
  4. What exercises or techniques can help alleviate the symptoms of post micturition dribble?
  5. When should someone seek medical advice regarding post micturition dribble?

1の答え One of the causes is the benign prostate hyperplasia.

That’s correct! Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is indeed a common cause of post micturition dribble, particularly in older men. It can lead to urinary retention and incomplete bladder emptying, contributing to this phenomenon. Would you like to explore more about this condition or its treatment options?


2の答え People who bother PMD may feel nervous about wet pants or its smelling.

Absolutely! Many individuals with post micturition dribble (PMD) often feel anxious about potential leaks, which can lead to embarrassment or social withdrawal. This concern can significantly impact their quality of life. Would you like to discuss coping strategies for managing these feelings?

embarassmentという単語が出てきませんでした。social withdrawal=「他者と意図的に距離をおき、社会交流を避けること」というのはさすがに調べました。

3の答え The polakiuria, incontinence or feeling of post void residual may indicate the PMD.

That’s right! Symptoms like pollakiuria (frequent urination), urinary incontinence, and the sensation of post-void residual (feeling like the bladder isn’t completely empty) can all indicate post micturition dribble. Recognizing these signs is important for seeking appropriate treatment. Would you like to delve deeper into these symptoms or their implications?

pollakiuriaの綴りをこっそり教えてくれるchat GPTに感謝です。feelingよりthe sensation of PVDの方が自然な感じで良いですね。

4の答えSeveral paper indicate the efficacy of pelvic floar mascule exercise that may alleviate the PMD.

That’s correct! Pelvic floor muscle exercises, often referred to as Kegel exercises, have been shown to be effective in alleviating symptoms of post micturition dribble. Strengthening the pelvic floor can help improve bladder control and reduce leakage. Would you like more information on how to perform these exercises or studies supporting their effectiveness?

floorもこっそり教えてくれます。まさに先生です。Kegel exerciseは骨盤底筋体操の事の様ですね。その言い方は初めて聞きました。動画中で、字幕が拾えていなかったKid’s~は固有名詞の様です。chat GPTに聞いて初めてつながりました。

5の答えPeople who have no efficacy of urethra milking or Kegel exercise may go to the urological clinic. And peolple with pain whenever pre or post-micturation or usual must go to the hospital.

Exactly! If pelvic floor exercises like urethra milking or Kegel exercises aren’t effective, it’s important for individuals to consult a urologist for further evaluation and potential treatment options. Additionally, anyone experiencing pain during or after urination should seek medical attention promptly, as it may indicate an underlying condition that requires intervention. Would you like to explore potential treatments or what to expect during a urology appointment?

さっそくKegel exerciseを使ってみた。 consult a urologist, during or after urinationと私の拙い英語を添削してくれます。私の意図している内容を理解して、正しい英語を教えてくれている気がします。

という事で、chat GPTのすごさを改めて実感する事になりました。イマージョンラーニングは時間がものを言うとの事でこつこつやっていきます。


  • alleviate 軽減する
  • gluteal 臀部の